International airfreight is not an exact science but it is a continuous goal to make it that way. It is an endeavor taken on by only strong professionals that are not faint of heart. Tremendous planning and coordination is required before a shipment is even picked up to mitigate any unforeseen circumstances that might cause delays in the critical movement sequence of a given airfreight consignment. Paperwork must be exact and freight properly packed must be labelled, staged and screened before loading takes place. A cadre of highly trained specialists within the logistics progression need to use process discipline and exercise flexibility to inspect, analyze and anticipate necessary corrections to keep shipments on mission. Our people are intelligent, trained, motivated and up for the task.
Airfreight also has its value hierarchy and we employ every method to insure our airfreight products meet the distribution management requirements our clients demand. The requirement could be an auxiliary inventory re-supply export shipment to Australia needing a 10 to 14 day deferred routing at relatively low cost. In another case, critical components for the assembly line need to be on the next flight out of Frankfurt and at the plant in Alabama the next day requiring 24-hour, nonstop action to accomplish the mission. We have the resources, knowledge and expertise to keep your international airfreight shipments on time, on budget and delivered without compromise. At Jensen, we strive to be the best tool in your logistics chain getting the job done through air charters, hand carriers, white glove door to door expedited, 3-5 day accelerated, deferred or delivery on demand shipments directly from the bonded facility.